Welcome to the Career Center Blog
for Cura Personalis
Fordham Career Center Blog

Neurodiversity in Education and Workplace

Join us for an engaging panel discussion on neurodiversity and disability. Esteemed neurodivergent and neurodivergent ally professionals from various industries will be sharing their expertise on the legal and ethical aspects of disclosing mental health and disability concerns. You will learn about their experiences with disclosure and strategies of sharing your story. The event is organized by the Career Center, Counseling Psychological Services, and the Office of Disability Services, and is an excellent opportunity for individuals interested in working with neurodivergent populations to learn from experienced professionals in several industries such as business, finance, psychology, nonprofits, healthcare, marketing, and more. During the panel discussion, attendees will have the opportunity to ask questions and gain valuable insights that can help them understand the choices they have in disclosing, who to disclose to, and more.
